Experience 馃捈

JUN 2020 - PRESENT 路 8 mos

Lead Software Engineer

Responsible for the development, deployment & maintenance of sports-betting digital cashier systems, using state of the art tools.

OCT 2019 - MAR 2020 路 6 mos

IT Director

Responsible for the development & deployment of the event's official website using state of the art technologies, as well as managing tasks all around IT.

JUL 2018 - FEB 2019 路 8 mos

Software Engineer

Responsible for the development of the Advanced analytics platform, The online reporting tool for businesses, as well as several other applications using JavaScript.

MAR 2017 - DEC 2017 路 10 mos

Lead Developer & Co-Founder

Responsible for structuring and developing the back-end infrastructure, managing PostgreSQL databases as well as creating an admin panel using React.js and an android app using the React Native framework.

SEP 2016 - DEC 2016 路 4 mos

Software Engineer

Responsible for application logs distribution and analysis using the Elastic Stack and creating a cute, friendly slack bot called WarplyPaw (yes it had a cat icon).

Education 馃摐


Undergraduate computer science student

In 2016 I joined Athens University of Economics and Business , I study computer science and I aspire to be a senior developer when I graduate. There's a long journey ahead, so i'll make use of it.

Some charts 馃搳


Dev. Ops


Projects 馃搻

Hierarchical, multi-threaded client-server model implementation 馃嵎

Download OpenDelos content at your own pace 馃敟

Crawls OpenDelos for data extraction 馃暩

A torrent movie streaming platform 馃嵖

This UI project was created for AUEB's Human Computer Interaction course

IRE, is a sexy ElasticSearch handler tool 馃崙 (WIP)

Sexy hash table implementation in MIPS32 馃崙

A multi-threaded, distributed publish-subscribe system written entirely in kotlin.

Minimax artificial intelligence algorithm implementation on reversi board game.

First & last occurrence of item in sorted array and three way quick sorting algorithms.

A Node.js library that calls native win32 API directly, to show dialog boxes.

Minimax AI algorithm implementation in tic-tac-toe using JavaScript 馃

WebRTC local streaming using chromium API 馃摴

Pure JavaScript immutable state pattern with element binding example.

Use it when you are sick of using document.querySelector.

Just an easier YouTube to MP3 downloader CLI, uses youtube-dl.